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Surgery Wait Times for "Pediatric - Nasal Surgery"

Definition: Nasal Surgery - Surgery to repair the nose or septum (partition between the nasal cavities) or both, including removal of polyps.

Health Authorities
Nasal Surgery8510.0 weeks33.2 weeks
Fraser Health2323.3 weeks32.3 weeks
Abbotsford Regional Hospital And Cancer CentreLess than 5N/AN/A
Hartl, TrevorLess than 5N/AN/A
Tsai, Vance ChungLess than 5N/AN/A
Burnaby HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Tsaparas, PanagiotisLess than 5N/AN/A
Eagle Ridge HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Aron, MargaretLess than 5N/AN/A
Mah, Stanley M.Less than 5N/AN/A
Trinh, GinaLess than 5N/AN/A
Langley Memorial HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Maharaj, Mitra GaneshLess than 5N/AN/A
Pattison Outpatient CentreLess than 5N/AN/A
Tsaparas, PanagiotisLess than 5N/AN/A
Surrey Memorial Hospital13N/AN/A
Dickson, John MatthewLess than 5N/AN/A
Kwak, John J.10N/AN/A
Interior Health1112.1 weeks77.6 weeks
East Kootenay Regional Hospital7N/AN/A
Cain, Ryan Andrew5N/AN/A
Mondin, Robert MichaelLess than 5N/AN/A
Kelowna General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Bakala, Cameron D.Less than 5N/AN/A
Dautremont, Jonathan FrederickLess than 5N/AN/A
Royal Inland HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Janusz, Nicholas Ronald GeorgeLess than 5N/AN/A
Summerland Memorial Health CentreLess than 5N/AN/A
Moshaver, AliLess than 5N/AN/A
Vernon Jubilee HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Szudek, JacekLess than 5N/AN/A
Northern Health5N/AN/A
G.R. Baker Memorial HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Elmradi, HaithemLess than 5N/AN/A
Filatov, Sergei AlexandrovichLess than 5N/AN/A
The University Hospital Of Northern British ColumbiaLess than 5N/AN/A
Filatov, Sergei AlexandrovichLess than 5N/AN/A
Provincial Health Services Authority7N/AN/A
B.C. Children's Hospital7N/AN/A
Chadha, Neil KumarLess than 5N/AN/A
Courtemanche, Douglas JohnLess than 5N/AN/A
Felton, MarkLess than 5N/AN/A
Pianosi, Kiersten DanielleLess than 5N/AN/A
Tobia, AmjadLess than 5N/AN/A
Vancouver Coastal Health1917.7 weeks78.4 weeks
Lions Gate HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Nabi, ShahinLess than 5N/AN/A
Yeh, David Huey-ShengLess than 5N/AN/A
Mount Saint Joseph HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Valenzuela, DianneLess than 5N/AN/A
Richmond Hospital13N/AN/A
Dadgostar, AnaliLess than 5N/AN/A
Gheriani, Heitham8N/AN/A
Wu, Bella WenLess than 5N/AN/A
Squamish General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Yeh, David Huey-ShengLess than 5N/AN/A
UBC Health Sciences CentreLess than 5N/AN/A
Kibblewhite, Douglas JohnLess than 5N/AN/A
Vancouver Island Health207.7 weeks20.6 weeks
Campbell River And District General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Rooy, Charles H. VanLess than 5N/AN/A
Cowichan District HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Dumper, Jaymi WilliamLess than 5N/AN/A
Lee, FranciscoLess than 5N/AN/A
Greater Victoria Hospitals97.6 weeks11.3 weeks
Bartlett, Clark GrahamLess than 5N/AN/A
Clarke, Kevin David6N/AN/A
Mostachfi, OmidLess than 5N/AN/A
Nanaimo Regional General Hospital8N/AN/A
Dumper, Jaymi WilliamLess than 5N/AN/A
Lee, Francisco5N/AN/A
Wong, DanaLess than 5N/AN/A

The data presented on the Surgery Wait Times website is a snapshot of a 3-month time period. The Wait for Surgery represents a component of the total waiting time for surgery, from the date the health authority receives the booking form to the date that the patient receives surgery.

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Health Authorities in B.C.