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Surgery Wait Times for "Pediatric - Dental Surgery"

Definition: Dental Surgery - Includes removal and repair of teeth.

Health Authorities
Dental Surgery2,2857.9 weeks28.8 weeks
Fraser Health755.9 weeks21.0 weeks
Abbotsford Regional Hospital And Cancer Centre277.7 weeks22.4 weeks
Dewji, Hasnain18N/AN/A
Dewji, Muhammadqays HasnainLess than 510.7 weeks22.4 weeks
Quadir, Anisa611.6 weeks17.3 weeks
Tsang, Phoebe W.Less than 54.3 weeks17.5 weeks
Chilliwack General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Singh, PrabhjotLess than 5N/AN/A
Eagle Ridge HospitalLess than 53.6 weeks8.7 weeks
Bahi, KulminderLess than 52.4 weeks4.0 weeks
Quadir, AnisaLess than 56.6 weeks10.3 weeks
Langley Memorial Hospital66.9 weeks18.5 weeks
Gill, Curtis R.66.9 weeks18.5 weeks
Ridge Meadows Hospital207.3 weeks26.1 weeks
Kim, Christine1112.3 weeks23.1 weeks
Korada, Anuradha77.3 weeks23.6 weeks
Ramadurai, NeerajaLess than 5N/AN/A
Sandhu, DharamjitLess than 5N/AN/A
Surrey Memorial Hospital188.8 weeks17.5 weeks
Aidelbaum, Martin10N/AN/A
Chen, Jason C.Less than 56.7 weeks13.5 weeks
Shacklock, John A.5N/AN/A
Interior Health3056.4 weeks16.2 weeks
Cariboo Memorial Hospital71.9 weeks5.1 weeks
Ahmad, Nadeem71.7 weeks4.0 weeks
Mangala, EswarLess than 52.0 weeks5.5 weeks
Creston Valley HospitalLess than 53.4 weeks6.7 weeks
Catherall, JordanLess than 5N/AN/A
Drury, Jessaca KaitlynLess than 53.0 weeks4.3 weeks
East Kootenay Regional HospitalLess than 56.0 weeks10.1 weeks
Howe, Sarah AnneLess than 56.0 weeks10.1 weeks
Elk Valley Hospital368.3 weeks13.8 weeks
Allan, Gregory Scott318.1 weeks13.1 weeks
Howe, Sarah Anne511.0 weeks14.3 weeks
Golden And District General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Gennings, ChadLess than 5N/AN/A
Mortimer, Leah J.Less than 5N/AN/A
Kelowna General Hospital127.9 weeks18.4 weeks
Farquhar, Terry127.9 weeks21.1 weeks
Wong, GordonLess than 5N/AN/A
Kootenay Lake Hospital328.0 weeks13.9 weeks
Kosheiff, Kelly Mitchell328.0 weeks13.9 weeks
Queen Victoria HospitalLess than 53.8 weeks5.8 weeks
Ettinger, Grace LeanneLess than 5N/AN/A
Schadinger, Steven LeonardLess than 53.9 weeks4.7 weeks
Stefanuto, PeterLess than 52.4 weeks5.6 weeks
Royal Inland Hospital763.9 weeks13.4 weeks
Nagel, Cindy Elizabeth216.3 weeks9.1 weeks
Rishiraj, BobbyLess than 5N/AN/A
Stefanuto, Peter6N/AN/A
Vitoratos, Perry453.4 weeks9.4 weeks
Shuswap Lake General Hospital347.0 weeks14.1 weeks
Coutu, Jennifer Karen187.5 weeks15.4 weeks
Nagel, Cindy Elizabeth7N/AN/A
Vitoratos, Perry93.1 weeks4.5 weeks
Summerland Memorial Health Centre997.1 weeks18.4 weeks
Bowman, Laura AinslieLess than 5N/AN/A
Buttar, Caroline126.0 weeks12.5 weeks
Coutu, Jennifer Karen185.5 weeks8.8 weeks
Farquhar, Terry497.3 weeks20.9 weeks
Macrae, Don2015.6 weeks20.1 weeks
Vernon Jubilee HospitalLess than 56.8 weeks12.6 weeks
Coutu, Jennifer KarenLess than 56.8 weeks12.6 weeks
Northern Health1835.9 weeks16.4 weeks
Bulkley Valley District Hospital93.8 weeks5.7 weeks
Falk, Kristopher Robert93.8 weeks5.7 weeks
Dawson Creek And District Hospital86.4 weeks18.7 weeks
Chouinard, Genevieve MarieLess than 5N/AN/A
Spitz, MarkLess than 511.0 weeks19.6 weeks
Fort St John General Hospital4317.6 weeks20.6 weeks
Ma, Henry4317.6 weeks20.6 weeks
G.R. Baker Memorial Hospital96.9 weeks12.6 weeks
Jawanda, MandeepLess than 53.1 weeks8.1 weeks
Magne, Luc87.9 weeks13.8 weeks
Kitimat General HospitalLess than 52.3 weeks6.7 weeks
Cooper, Edward Patrick Michael (Michael)Less than 5N/AN/A
Falk, Kristopher RobertLess than 5N/AN/A
Feldhoff, Emily Carole-AnneLess than 5N/AN/A
Stevenson, DavidLess than 5N/AN/A
Mills Memorial Hospital324.9 weeks9.0 weeks
Cooper, Edward Patrick Michael (Michael)158.0 weeks9.6 weeks
Drouin, Vincent PierreLess than 5N/AN/A
Falk, Kristopher Robert122.7 weeks6.3 weeks
Nenninger, Thomas57.1 weeks11.4 weeks
Prince Rupert Regional Hospital193.6 weeks7.2 weeks
Brar, Gursimran11N/AN/A
Noderer, Marc63.1 weeks7.5 weeks
Pyde, MicahLess than 5N/AN/A
St. John Hospital209.0 weeks14.0 weeks
Magne, Luc711.9 weeks13.8 weeks
Sally, Karan138.5 weeks13.8 weeks
The University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia4027.1 weeks61.7 weeks
Low, RoderickLess than 5N/AN/A
Magne, Luc1530.3 weeks38.8 weeks
Ozcan, Kerim12N/AN/A
Von Den Steinen, TessaLess than 5N/AN/A
Wilczek, Richard9N/AN/A
Wrinch Memorial HospitalLess than 52.0 weeks8.7 weeks
Chandra, AwdeshLess than 5N/AN/A
Cooper, Edward Patrick Michael (Michael)Less than 58.6 weeks9.1 weeks
Provincial Health Services Authority47910.0 weeks36.1 weeks
B.C. Children's Hospital47910.0 weeks36.1 weeks
Bellamy, Amy Elizabeth429.4 weeks30.2 weeks
Chander, Kunal2811.1 weeks40.3 weeks
Chao, Raylien119.7 weeks20.4 weeks
Cheung, Wa Sham (Sam)Less than 5N/AN/A
Choi, JasonLess than 53.0 weeks3.3 weeks
Grabowski, Graham1614.1 weeks25.1 weeks
Grewal, Raymon Paul2733.9 weeks34.7 weeks
Kang, Ben12N/AN/A
Kassam, Serena Nurez8610.9 weeks42.8 weeks
Olynik, ChristopherLess than 5N/AN/A
Park, Jennifer8210.9 weeks37.6 weeks
Rhee, Fran TaekhyunLess than 5N/AN/A
Richman, Joy M.209.9 weeks28.9 weeks
Soussou, Randa557.9 weeks25.9 weeks
Suh, Yoo Kyung275.6 weeks17.8 weeks
Sun, ShanLess than 5N/AN/A
Tsang, Phoebe W.105.0 weeks10.0 weeks
Zhao, Winnie5210.0 weeks26.0 weeks
Vancouver Coastal Health52.1 weeks12.8 weeks
Qathet General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Needham, GaryLess than 5N/AN/A
Varma, AshokLess than 5N/AN/A
Sechelt HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Mudher, SamerLess than 5N/AN/A
Squamish General HospitalLess than 51.6 weeks9.6 weeks
Bessie, JakeLess than 5N/AN/A
Krumme, RayLess than 51.0 weeks4.6 weeks
Vancouver Island Health1,23812.1 weeks39.7 weeks
Campbell River And District General Hospital11N/AN/A
Woermke, Bruce11N/AN/A
Centre Island Surgical Centre15714.4 weeks30.2 weeks
Chan, James3214.7 weeks23.7 weeks
Chen, Alex5524.4 weeks31.7 weeks
Jamieson, Margaret3214.1 weeks29.6 weeks
Kika, Kimiko3813.5 weeks31.1 weeks
Comox Valley Hospital5011.1 weeks13.8 weeks
Conradi, Andreas88.7 weeks14.4 weeks
Norfolk, Teri-Lee4212.4 weeks12.8 weeks
Cowichan District Hospital285.3 weeks30.0 weeks
Chan, James5N/AN/A
Hardwick, FelicityLess than 512.0 weeks28.5 weeks
Jamieson, Margaret7N/AN/A
Kika, Kimiko9N/AN/A
Meiner, EricLess than 5N/AN/A
Piemontesi, Nicholas GiovanniLess than 5N/AN/A
Greater Victoria Hospitals37610.0 weeks34.1 weeks
Blundell, Kelly8413.1 weeks43.5 weeks
Gadzinska-Myers, Anita994.3 weeks26.1 weeks
Higgins, Marie-Josee679.5 weeks19.1 weeks
Lobb, PeterLess than 5N/AN/A
Rao, YaleLess than 5N/AN/A
Rea, AnthonyLess than 5N/AN/A
Tomash, Andrew Kiel19N/AN/A
Wong, Bryan Jun-Wah1059.9 weeks36.9 weeks
Nanaimo Regional General Hospital56132.9 weeks63.0 weeks
Chan, James63N/AN/A
Chen, Alex18217.1 weeks32.8 weeks
Crowley, StehpenLess than 5N/AN/A
Jamieson, Margaret11239.0 weeks69.3 weeks
Kika, Kimiko15436.2 weeks58.4 weeks
Olynik, Christopher21N/AN/A
Piemontesi, Nicholas Giovanni16N/AN/A
Sansalone, Claudio11N/AN/A
South Island Surgical Centre373.7 weeks43.6 weeks
Gadzinska-Myers, Anita343.4 weeks45.5 weeks
Tomash, Andrew KielLess than 56.7 weeks19.9 weeks
West Coast General Hospital182.1 weeks5.2 weeks
Chan, James10N/AN/A
Jamieson, MargaretLess than 51.3 weeks5.8 weeks
Kika, Kimiko62.7 weeks4.0 weeks

The data presented on the Surgery Wait Times website is a snapshot of a 3-month time period. The Wait for Surgery represents a component of the total waiting time for surgery, from the date the health authority receives the booking form to the date that the patient receives surgery.

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Health Authorities in B.C.