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Surgery Wait Times for "Pediatric - Other Orthopaedic Surgery"

Definition: Other Orthopaedic Surgery - Surgery involving the skeletal system that is not defined separately, including removal or repair of all or part of a limb, bone, muscle, fascia, artificial bones or joints, or removal of scar tissue from tendons.

Health Authorities
Other Orthopaedic Surgery35910.6 weeks54.8 weeks
Fraser HealthLess than 52.9 weeks7.7 weeks
Abbotsford Regional Hospital And Cancer CentreLess than 5N/AN/A
Day, Christopher WarrenLess than 5N/AN/A
Mehin, RaminLess than 5N/AN/A
Wang, Calvin Chung-KinLess than 5N/AN/A
Eagle Ridge HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Tung, Andrew Shui-WahLess than 5N/AN/A
Zhang, Jacques XiaofengLess than 5N/AN/A
Langley Memorial HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Maclean, ColinLess than 5N/AN/A
Ridge Meadows HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Chancey, Ann BethanLess than 5N/AN/A
Royal Columbian HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Cinats, David JohnLess than 5N/AN/A
Surrey Memorial HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Genoway, Krista AnneLess than 5N/AN/A
Spurr, Hayley Elizabeth ManningLess than 5N/AN/A
Interior Health3212.3 weeks27.8 weeks
East Kootenay Regional HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Chan, Alex Dart MingLess than 5N/AN/A
Hansen, Greg WilliamLess than 5N/AN/A
Kempston, Michael PhilipLess than 5N/AN/A
Ngai, JacquelineLess than 5N/AN/A
Kelowna General Hospital1915.1 weeks24.9 weeks
Dobbe, Ashlee1614.8 weeks25.8 weeks
Martyna, Scott ThomasLess than 5N/AN/A
Sikora, Sheena KimberleeLess than 5N/AN/A
Kootenay Boundary Regional HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Bitting, Seth SimonLess than 5N/AN/A
Ge, Susan MengxiaoLess than 5N/AN/A
Hickie, Kirsten LeahLess than 5N/AN/A
Hjelkrem, MichelLess than 5N/AN/A
Mcvicar, Stephen F.Less than 5N/AN/A
Penticton Regional HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Bell, TimothyLess than 5N/AN/A
Queen Victoria HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Batchelor, Bret EverettLess than 5N/AN/A
Royal Inland HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Hughes, Scott ChristopherLess than 5N/AN/A
Poon, Jeffrey MichaelLess than 5N/AN/A
Porter, Andrew D.Less than 5N/AN/A
Zeznik, Laura A.Less than 5N/AN/A
Shuswap Lake General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Hammond, Sydney AnneLess than 5N/AN/A
Secretan, Charles ColemanLess than 5N/AN/A
Vernon Jubilee HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Jarvie, Geoffrey CharlesLess than 5N/AN/A
Sernik, JulianLess than 5N/AN/A
Northern Health714.1 weeks75.7 weeks
Bulkley Valley District HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Nelson, David RobertLess than 5N/AN/A
Van Der Merwe, IgnatiusLess than 5N/AN/A
Dawson Creek And District HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Van Deventer, Stephanus JohannesLess than 5N/AN/A
Fort St John General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Steer, Dion BeecherLess than 5N/AN/A
Van Deventer, Stephanus JohannesLess than 5N/AN/A
Kitimat General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Kieksi, Merituuli SuzanneLess than 5N/AN/A
Mills Memorial HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Dear, Aniedi MartinLess than 5N/AN/A
Lombard, Willem Stephanus JohannesLess than 5N/AN/A
Prince Rupert Regional HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Smith, Samuel AlfredLess than 5N/AN/A
St. John HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Purnell, Roger AnthonyLess than 5N/AN/A
The University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia625.3 weeks87.6 weeks
Dreyer, Hendrik AndreLess than 5N/AN/A
Moran, Michael MorrisonLess than 5N/AN/A
Nelson, David Robert584.9 weeks87.6 weeks
Purnell, Roger AnthonyLess than 5N/AN/A
Provincial Health Services Authority29313.9 weeks55.7 weeks
B.C. Children's Hospital29313.9 weeks55.7 weeks
Alvarez, Christine Marie3219.6 weeks46.5 weeks
Arneja, Jugpal SinghLess than 5N/AN/A
Butterworth, Sonia AnneLess than 5N/AN/A
Campbell, Andrew Iain MacleodLess than 5N/AN/A
Chadha, Neil KumarLess than 5N/AN/A
Clarkson, Paul WilliamLess than 5N/AN/A
Cooper, Anthony Philip759.4 weeks47.1 weeks
Courtemanche, Douglas JohnLess than 5N/AN/A
Garland, Katie Patricia YvonneLess than 5N/AN/A
Ghag, ArvinderaLess than 5N/AN/A
Grabowski, Graham1516.6 weeks34.5 weeks
Haji, Faizal AminmohamedLess than 5N/AN/A
Henkelman, Erika AnneLess than 5N/AN/A
Huang, Andrew Hee-Ju9N/AN/A
Hynes, SallyLess than 5N/AN/A
Kwan-Wong, Terence Ngai-Ying516.6 weeks67.6 weeks
Leveille, Lise Annique1923.3 weeks43.1 weeks
Miyanji, Firoz9N/AN/A
Mulpuri, Udaya Krishna Kishore6417.7 weeks36.3 weeks
Olynik, Christopher851.4 weeks90.7 weeks
Pike, Jeffrey Mark2221.0 weeks63.4 weeks
Piper, Hannah GraceLess than 5N/AN/A
Reilly, Christopher110.3 weeks33.0 weeks
Salhi, Saoussen6N/AN/A
Simmonds, Andrea MaryLess than 52.7 weeks25.6 weeks
Skarsgard, Erik D.Less than 5N/AN/A
Webber, Eric M.Less than 5N/AN/A
Vancouver Coastal HealthLess than 5N/AN/A
Lions Gate HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Jando, Victor T.Less than 5N/AN/A
Nadeau, Richard PeterLess than 5N/AN/A
Qathet General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Shaw, Ashley HazelLess than 5N/AN/A
Richmond HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Gatha, Mark SamirLess than 5N/AN/A
Squamish General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Zarkadas, Peter ConstantineLess than 5N/AN/A
St. Paul's HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Pike, Jeffrey MarkLess than 5N/AN/A
Veljkovic, AndreaLess than 5N/AN/A
Vancouver Island Health218.7 weeks17.2 weeks
Greater Victoria Hospitals188.7 weeks18.3 weeks
Dryden, Peter JohnLess than 5N/AN/A
Golonka, Naomi RyokoLess than 5N/AN/A
Nelson, Charles A.Less than 5N/AN/A
Weatherhead, Brent Miles148.7 weeks18.3 weeks
Zarzour, Zane D.S.Less than 5N/AN/A
Nanaimo Regional General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Birchard, John GregoryLess than 5N/AN/A
Stone, Jill PatriciaLess than 5N/AN/A
South Island Surgical CentreLess than 5N/AN/A
Weatherhead, Brent MilesLess than 5N/AN/A
Zarzour, Zane D.S.Less than 5N/AN/A
West Coast General HospitalLess than 5N/AN/A
Wijayanayagam, Akushla IndunilaLess than 5N/AN/A

The data presented on the Surgery Wait Times website is a snapshot of a 3-month time period. The Wait for Surgery represents a component of the total waiting time for surgery, from the date the health authority receives the booking form to the date that the patient receives surgery.

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Health Authorities in B.C.