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About Wait Times

This section offers information about wait times for scheduled surgery, and how wait times are calculated and displayed on this website.

Information in this Section

Wait Times Definitions

In BC, two wait times related to surgery are measured and monitored. These wait times are the 'Wait to See a Surgeon' and the 'Wait for Surgery'.

Wait Time Data Collection

The data available on the Surgical Wait Times website is limited to scheduled procedures, as there is no wait for emergency procedures. The data is updated on a bimonthly basis using data from the provincial Surgical Patient Registry (SPR).

Provincial Strategies

The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Provincial Surgical Executive Committee and the health authorities, has developed plans to improve timely access to appropriate, scheduled surgical procedures; optimally manage surgical waitlists; and improve the patient experience.

Procedure Groupings

Data on this website is reported at the procedure group level. These procedure groups were selected in collaboration with the health authorities and medical consultants.


Health Authorities in B.C.